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Dental Technology

Laser Dental Treatment
LASER is an acronym:
L Light
A Amplification by
S Stimulated
E Emission of
R Radiation

The laser consists of an active medium and a pumping source enclosed in an optical cavity. The pumping source pumps the active medium (The LASER medium itself) from its ground state (zero, inactive state) to an excited state.

"Population Inversion" occurs when the two sources are mixed together and photons are given off thereby producing the "LASER" activity. This activity is resonated or reflected back and forth within an optical resonator and amplified. A portion of this activity is then emitted as a LASER beam. Beam splitters or mirrors are used to capture the particular portion of the LASER beam that is needed to perform the surgical operation

Unique Advantages
Minimum Pain
Minimum Bleeding
Fast recovery, No side effects.
Unrivalled laser drilling speeds
Higher precision and selectiveness
Quicker and simpler procedures
Greater patient comfort and satisfaction
Unlimited dental and aesthetic treatment options
Unmatched treatment management options
Automatic Sterilization

Laser Dental Treatment
Gone are the days of using a scalpel or electrosurge for soft tissue surgery in dentistry; based on resounding evidence from the literature, lasers are the modality of choice for cutting and coagulating tissue, resulting in less trauma, less bleeding and less necrosis of tissue.

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Treatment Procedures of Laser System

Caries removal & cavity preparation (Filling)
Laser etching
Crown Cutting (Bridge Work)
Cutting the bone during surgeries.
Root canal treatment

Incision, excision & vaporization
Coagulation (Hemostasis)
Aphthous ulcers
Implant exposure
Flap surgery
Oral papillectomy
Pre-prosthetic surgery
Oral lesions
Best Dental Clinic in Hyderabad

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